Wenande Business Solutions (Pty) LTD is an Information Communications and Technology (ICT) company that focusses on delivering world class and innovative business solutions to its customers. It is a subsidiary company of Wenande Holdings (Pty) LTD. Both are 100% Black Women owned with Level 1 B-BBEE status.

We deliver world-class innovative business solutions that deliver positive and meaningful impact to our esteemed customers’ businesses. We operate in both Public and Private sector in South Africa.



To be the leader in the ICT industry by providing world-class and innovative business solutions that solve real business problems, resulting in our customers’ business profitability.


To provide quality services that exceeds the expectations of our esteemed customers as well as our strategic partners.


To build long term relationships with our customers, strategic partners as well as our alliances and provide exceptional customer services by pursuing business through innovation, advanced technologies and expert business solutions.


We believe in treating our customers and strategic partners with respect and honesty. We aim to grow through creativity and innovation. We integrate honesty, integrity and business ethics into all aspects of our business functioning.


To grow and focus on niche solutions areas, like Analytics, security and other innovative business solutions. To build a good reputation in the field of innovative business solutions and become a key player in the industry.

Our Market focus

Wenande Business Solutions operates in both the public as well as the private sector.

Wenande Business Solutions – All Rights Reserved © 2022